Marketing Sense

gorilla_zJlWxwY_The 300lb gorilla in the room isn’t what everyone is saying it is (your alcoholism)-- it’s GUERilla Marketing. It’s what’s going to get people talking about your brand and not how many gin and tonics you’ve had today (six).

Word of Mouth

Offer clientele a chance to get amazing discounts or an amazon gift card for bringing in new business. This can be done through direct mailings, email blasts, or when someone makes an online purchase. A referral can go a long way; it’s heartwarming to see how happy your customers are with your service and how positively they respond to free stuff!

Sponsor Something

Be the star of the community Fund Run by being a sponsor. Your brand will get around to all types of people who need your service but would have never heard of you had they not woken up at 5am to run in a great big circle. Sponsoring an event or a charity is relatively inexpensive for the exposure you’ll be getting. It’s also a great way to humanize your company and connect with people on a different level.

Manhattan Digital Direct has the expertise and knowledgeable staff to help you successfully complete your creative marketing and print design project!  We are more than happy to help you, so please contact us today, or call (646) 507-5280.

Post Written By:  Angela Creed.  © Manhattan Digital Direct

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